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The useAreaPath hook takes a PointsArray input, a value for the "bottom" of the area chart, and some options, and returns a Skia SkPath path object that represents the path for that line chart.


import { CartesianChart, useAreaPath, type PointsArray } from "victory-native";
import { Path } from "@shopify/react-native-skia";
import DATA from "./my-data";

function MyCustomArea({
}: {
points: PointsArray;
bottom: number;
}) {
// 👇 use the hook to generate a path object.
const { path } = useAreaPath(points, bottom, { curveType: "natural" });
return <Path path={path} style="fill" color="red" />;

export function MyChart() {
return (
<CartesianChart data={DATA} xKey="x" yKeys={["y"]}>
{/* 👇 pass a PointsArray to our custom component */}
{({ points, chartBounds }) => (
<MyCustomArea points={points.y} bottom={chartBounds.bottom} />

The useAreaPath requires the y0 argument to know how to "close" the area. Generally, you'll want to pass it chartBounds.bottom from the chart's render argument.


useAreaPath has a function signature as follows:

useAreaPath(points: PointsArray, y0: number, options?: { curveType?: CurveType }): { path: SkPath }


The points argument is a PointsArray array used to generate the line's path. Generally, this array comes from a field of the points object exposed the children render function of CartesianChart, as illustrated in the example above.


A number that indicates where the "bottom" of the area path should run. This number should be in canvas coordinates.


The options argument object has the following fields:

  • curveType: CurveType: the type of curve to use for the path, powered by d3-shape. The options are:
    • linear
    • natural
    • bumpX
    • bumpY
    • cardinal
    • cardinal50
    • catmullRom
    • catmullRom0
    • catmullRom100
    • monotoneX
    • step
  • connectMissingData: boolean: whether or not to interpolate missing data for this path (default is false). If set to true, the output will be a single, connected path (even if there are missing data values).



The SkPath path object to be used as the path argument of a Skia <Path /> element.