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Polar Chart

The PolarChart component provides another chart container component in victory-native. Its core responsibilities are:

  • accepting raw data and metadata in a format that can then be easily transformed and used for charting Pie and Donut charts.

This chart does not yet support gestures or animations.


The example app inside this repo has a lot of examples of how to use the PolarChart and its associated components!


The example below shows the most basic use of the PolarChart.

import { View } from "react-native";
import { Pie, PolarChart } from "victory-native";

function MyChart() {
return (
<View style={{ height: 300 }}>
data={DATA} // 👈 specify your data
labelKey={"label"} // 👈 specify data key for labels
valueKey={"value"} // 👈 specify data key for values
colorKey={"color"} // 👈 specify data key for color
<Pie.Chart />

// helper functions for example purposes:
function randomNumber() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + 125;
function generateRandomColor(): string {
// Generating a random number between 0 and 0xFFFFFF
const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffff);
// Converting the number to a hexadecimal string and padding with zeros
return `#${randomColor.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")}`;
const DATA = (numberPoints = 5) =>
Array.from({ length: numberPoints }, (_, index) => ({
value: randomNumber(),
color: generateRandomColor(),
label: `Label ${index + 1}`,


data (required)

An array of objects to be used as data points for the chart.

labelKey (required)

A string value indicating the key of each data[number] object to be used. Currently only used on the legend part of the chart. In the future we may add support for a variety of labels within the chart. The value of the label can be a string | number

valueKey (required)

A string value indicating the key of each data[number] object to be used to draw a slice of the Pie.


The valueKey prop must be a key for a field that has a number value. That is, only numbers can be used as dependent values for charting purposes.

colorKey (required)

A string value indicating the key of each data[number] object to be used to draw a slice of the Pie.


The valueKey prop must be a key for a field that has a Skia Color value.


The only supported children of a PolarChart is currently a Pie.Chart See the Pie Chart for more details.


A StyleProp<ViewStyle> that styles the View which wraps the Canvas of the Polar chart.


A StyleProp<ViewStyle> that styles the Canvas upon which the Polar chart is drawn.