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Scatter (Component)

The Scatter component takes a PointsArray prop, as well as some options for styling/animating, and returns a Skia Path element to draw the scatter plot.

Example output of a bar chart


import { CartesianChart, Scatter } from "victory-native";
import DATA from "./my-data";

export function MyChart() {
return (
<CartesianChart data={DATA} xKey="x" yKeys={["y"]}>
{({ points }) => (
//👇 pass a PointsArray to the Scatter component



A PointsArray array that comes from a field of the points object exposed the children render function of CartesianChart, as illustrated in the example above.


An optional number value or (pt: PointsArray[number]) => number function representing the radius of the individual scatter elements (e.g. radius of the circle, half the width of the square).

Pass a number to use the same radius for all of the scatter points. If you'd to use a dynamic radius per-point, you can pass a function that allows you to determine radius on a point-by-point basis.

The following snippet shows how to make the points' radius be based on the value of the point. The smallest-value point will have a radius of 5, and the largest-value point will have a radius of 20.

import { interpolate } from "react-native-reanimated";
// ...

<CartesianChart data={data} xKey="x" yKeys={["y"]}>
{({ points }) => {
// 👇 compute min/max values
const min = Math.min( => p.yValue));
const max = Math.max( => p.yValue));

return (
// 👇 and interpolate from 5 to 20 for radius size.
radius={(pt) => interpolate(pt.yValue, [min, max], [5, 20])}


One of the following ScatterShape values that determines the shape of each point to be drawn.

type ScatterShape = "circle" | "square" | "star";


The animate prop takes a PathAnimationConfig object and will animate the path when the points change.


A children pass-thru that will be rendered inside of the Skia Path element, useful if you'd like to make e.g. a gradient path.

Paint properties

The Line component will also pass the following painting props down to the underlying Path component:

  • style
  • color
  • blendMode
  • opacity
  • antiAlias
  • start
  • end
  • strokeWidth
  • stroke
  • strokeJoin
  • strokeCap