Christy Presler

Christy Presler

Senior Design Engineer

Christy Presler joined Nearform_Commerce in the summer of 2022 as a senior design engineer. Before Nearform_Commerce, Christy worked as an enterprise-level software consultant, and in-house at several large e-commerce retailers. At Nearform_Commerce she focuses on building design systems and iterative prototypes, and creating top-notch accessible user experiences. She is also passionate about mentoring junior designers and developers, especially those in under-represented groups in tech.

Christy is a maintainer of the open source FigLog Evolution Tracker widget for Figma and is exploring options for building more open source custom tooling in the future.

Outside of work, Christy loves to cook and try new flavors from around the world, is always crafting something, and enjoys going on hikes and actually hiked the Appalachian Trail end-to-end in 2013.

Navigating Design Tokens: Strategies for Team Success

April 25, 2024
Design tokens and systems occupy a collaborative space between design and engineering

Harmonizing Design and Development: The Power of Mirrored Components

April 22, 2024
Maximizing the parity between designed and developed design system components